Evaluation of Learning Analytics on Adaptive Learning Systems: A work in progress Systematic Review


There is currently no systematic overview of with what purpose Learning Analytics (LA) and Learning Analytics Dashboards (LAD) are evaluated on  Adaptive Learning Platforms. This work in progress systematic review provides the preliminary results of this endeavor. The paper establishes an overview of the current research field from two reviews. From this foundation we provide an analysis of seven papers. The preliminary results show four different purposes for evaluating LA and LAD on Adaptive Learning Platforms. These are: 1) Evaluation of LA and LAD design and framework, 2) Evaluation of LA and LAD performance, 3) Evaluation of perceived value, and 4) Evaluation of adaptivity. Through examining these papers, we see that when LA and LAD are evaluated on Adaptive Learning Platforms there are both single and multiple purpose of applying an evaluation method. These categories might change as the work in progress develops and more papers gets added in the synthesis.

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