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Al. F.
De to lag ’fremstilling’ og ’forestilling’
Fremstilling – det der står i teksten.
Forestilling – det historien handler om.
Aktantmodellen – https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aktantmodellen
Fokalisering og Genette
Type Autorial Aktorial Neutral
(fokal.) (0-fokalisering) (Indre fokalisering) (Ydre fokalisering)
Heterodiegetisk A) Tom Jones B) Ambassadørerne C) The Killers
Homodiegetisk D) Moby Dick E) Sult
What is narrative?
- Narrativity is independent of the question of fictionality.
- Narrativity is not coextensive with literature nor the novel.
- Narrativity is independent of tellability.
- A narrative is a sign with a signifier (discourse) and a signified (story, mental image, semantic representation). The signifier can have many different semiotic manifestations. It can consist for instance of a verbal act of story-telling (diegetic narration), or of gestures and dialogue performed by actors (mimetic, or dramatic narration).
- The narrativity of a text is located on the level of the signified. Narrativity should therefore be defined in semantic terms. The definition should be medium-free.
- Narrativity is a matter of degree. Postmodern novels are less narrative than simple forms such as fables or fairy tales; popular literature is usually more narrative than avant-garde fiction.
- Narrative representation is constructed by the reader on the basis of the text. Not all texts lend themselves to a narrative interpretation.
- Narrative representation consists of a world (setting) situated in time, populated by individuals (characters), who participate in actions and happenings (events, plot) and undergo change.
- The most prominent reason for acting in life is problem-solving. It is therefore the most fundamental narrative pattern.
- Narrative representations must be thematically unified and logically coherent. Their elements cannot be freely permuted, because they are held together in a sequence by relations of cause and effect, and because temporal order is meaningful. The propositions of a narrative representation must be about a common set of referents (= the characters).
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